Gum appearance can make a significant impact in improving a smile. One cosmetic procedure that can change the surface of your gums is gum contouring. This procedure cuts the excess muscle fibers that make muscles smile. Not only that, but gum contouring can restore gum tissue that has receded. Gum contouring might be a good option for you if your gums are uneven or if they cover too much or too little of your teeth. Typically gum recession is caused by gum disease, but it can also be due to excessive tooth brushing, or even genetics. In this case, gum contouring and reshaping can help improve your smile and maintain optimal oral health. For gum concerns, feel free to reach out to our practice. Call or visit Royal Oak Smiles today!
Gum Contouring
Gum Contouring
keep your mouth healthy
Comprehensive Care At Royal Oak Smiles
At Royal Oak Smiles, our team aims to provide personalized dental treatment for patients who want to maintain a winning smile. We correct aesthetic imperfections as well as improve both oral health and the function of your teeth through our progressive dental treatments. Please take a look through our website to familiarize yourself with the treatments we offer. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please contact our practice today! Our friendly staff will be happy to help you with all your questions and concerns.